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For an example of a generated PowerShell source file please see: Example PowerShell Source File

To generate a PowerShell file select the Definition Files tab on the main window then right-click on a file and select 'Generate a PowerShell Script File'.


This opens the PowerShell Script Generation Options dialog:



The folder where the source file is saved

Selecting a folder other than the default folder will result in a warning prompting you to ensure the folder is protected from unauthorised access.
The "Do not show this again" option is applied on a per folder basis, therefore selecting different previously unused folders will result in additional warnings.

For more information see here.

File NameThe name of the PowerShell source file. This defaults to the XML file name with a ..ps1 extension


 Generated code...
  Write-Host ' * Initiating shutdown... ' -NoNewLine;
  (Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName '.' -EnableAllPrivileges).Win32Shutdown(8);

Enable Shut DownSelect to enable this property
Shut downThe PC will shut down at the end of the backup
Log OffThe user will be logged out at the end of the backup


Run Once a Day

 Generated code...
  if (HasRunToday)
    Write-Host ' * Script already executed today. Exiting...';
    Write-Host 'Script finished with exit code 0.';
    Exit 0;


#* Func: HasRunToday
#* Desc: determines if this script has run today
function HasRunToday()
    Write-Host ' * Checking last run time... ' -NoNewLine;
    $strRegPath    = 'HKCU:\Software\Macrium\Reflect\Scripts';
    $boolRanToday  = $false;
    $strDateToday  = Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d;
    if (Test-Path $strRegPath)
            $strLastRunDate = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $strRegPath -Name $strScriptPath -ErrorAction Stop).$strScriptPath
            if ($strLastRunDate -eq $strDateToday)
                $boolRanToday = $true;
        } catch { };
    if (!$boolRanToday)
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $strRegPath -Name $strScriptPath -Value $strDateToday;
    Write-Host 'Done.';
    return $boolRanToday;

Run Once a DayIf selected, will only enable this script to run once per day. This is useful for example if you want a backup to happen at first login or shutdown.

Run Programs

 Generated code...
  Write-Host ' * Executing "at start" program... ' -NoNewLine;
  $strRunAtStartApp  = 'C:\Users\Public\Admin\Before backup.bat';
  $strRunAtStartArgs = '';
  if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRunAtStartArgs))
    Start-Process -FilePath $strRunAtStartApp;
    Start-Process -FilePath $strRunAtStartApp -ArgumentList $strRunAtStartArgs;


  Write-Host ' * Executing "at end" program... ' -NoNewLine;
  $strRunAtEndApp  = 'C:\Users\Public\Admin\After backup.exe';
  $strRunAtEndArgs = '';
  if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($strRunAtEndArgs))
    Start-Process -FilePath $strRunAtEndApp;
    Start-Process -FilePath $strRunAtEndApp -ArgumentList $strRunAtEndArgs;

Run a program or script at the startSelect to enable a program or script to run before the backup starts
File NameThe path and executable file name
ParametersOptional command line parameters for the program
Run a program or script at the startSelect to enable a program or script to run when the backup ends
File NameThe path and executable file name
ParametersOptional command line parameters for the program


 Generated code...
function Main()
  Write-Host 'PowerShell script for Macrium Reflect Backup Definition File';
  Write-Host "BDF: $strXmlFilePath";


#* Func: Elevate
#* Desc: Elevates this script for UAC.
#*       This means that only one UAC Elevation prompt is displayed and
#*       functions/programs will not fail if they require admin privileges.
function Elevate()
  # Only elevate if not ran from the task scheduler.
  Write-Host ' * Checking elevated access rights... ' -NoNewLine;
  if (-Not $s)
    # Check to see if we are currently running "as Administrator"
    if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]"Administrator"))
      $ElevatedProcess = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
      # Specify the current script path and name as a parameter
      $strType = GetBackupTypeParameter;
      $ElevatedProcess.Arguments = "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass & '" + $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "' $strType";
      # Indicate that the process should be elevated
      $ElevatedProcess.Verb = "runas";
      # Start the new process
      # Exit this unelevated script with exit code for "Error: Not elevated"
      Exit 3;
  Write-Host 'Done.';

Enable ElevationIf selected will enable UAC elevation for the entire script. This enables functions and programs to run outside the context of Macrium Reflect without requesting further elevation.

Directory Synchronization

 Generated code...
  if ($iExitCode -eq 0) # if backup completed successfully...
    $strBackupDir = GetLastBackupPath;
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($strBackupDir))
      SynchroniseDirectories $strBackupDir 'D:\Archive';


#* Func: SynchroniseDirectories
#* Desc: Copies all Macrium Reflect files to a supplied directory.
function SynchroniseDirectories($strSrcDir, $strDstDir)
  Write-Host ' * Synchronising directories... ' -NoNewLine;
  if (Get-Command robocopy -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    # robocopy is available...
    # /copy:DAT - D:Data
    #             A:Attributes
    #             T:Time stamps
    # /purge    - deletes destination files and directories that no longer 
    #               exist in the source
    # /lev:0    - Does not copy subdirectories
    &robocopy $strSrcDir $strDstDir *.mr* /copy:DAT /lev:0 /purge /r:0 | Out-Null
    # Fall back to xcopy...
    # Delete files from the target directory not present in the source directory
    $strDstDirChildren = $strDstDir+"\*";
    Get-ChildItem $strDstDirChildren -include "*.mr*" | Foreach-Object {
      $strMaybeDeletedSrcFile = $strSrcDir + '\' + $_.Name;
      if (-not (Test-Path $strMaybeDeletedSrcFile))
        Remove-Item $_
        $SrcFileTime = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $strMaybeDeletedSrcFile -Name LastWriteTime).lastwritetime;
        $DstFileTime = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.FullName             -Name LastWriteTime).lastwritetime;
        $SrcFileTimeString = $SrcFileTime.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss")
        $DstFileTimeString = $DstFileTime.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss")
        if ($SrcFileTimeString -ne $DstFileTimeString)
          Remove-Item $_
    # /c - Continues copying even if errors occur.
    # /d - Date check; only copies if file does not exist or is older.
    # /h - Copies hidden and system files.
    # /i - If the destination does not exist, and you are copying more than one
    #        file, this switch assumes that the destination is a folder.
    # /v - Verifies each new file.
    # /y - Overwrites existing files without prompting.
    &xcopy $strSrcDir\*.mr* $strDstDir /c /d /h /i /v /y | Out-Null
  Write-Host 'Done.';

Enable directory synchronizationIf enabled will use the MS utility RoboCopy to synchronize the backup target directory with the supplied directory.
DirectoryEnter the folder that you want to synchronize your backup files to

Click 'OK' to generate the PowerShell source file

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