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This article contains information about the SiteDeploy® user interface.

Accessing the SiteDeploy® Interface

Once installed, SiteDeploy® can be accessed using the Site Manager console via a web browser. Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are supported. If this is the first time that Site Manager or SiteDeploy® has been run on this computer, the security configuration profile selection screen will be shown. For more details, see Installation and Update.

For the default simple setup profile, the Site Manager console is accessible only from the computer it is installed on via http://localhost:2904.

In the default secure setup, the Site Manager console is accessible from https://<IP or DNS name>:2904

Logging In

If SiteDeploy® has been configured to require a login, the following screen will be shown:

Select a login provider to authenticate against its associated authentication resource. Some login providers are created automatically and enable domain and local administrators to log in. More information can be found in this article.

If SiteDeploy® is not configured to require a login, the dashboard page will be shown instead.

The Dashboard Page

The Dashboard page is shown after login. The Dashboard page shows a fixed set of warning tiles at the top, to indicate whether there are any items of concern in the Site Manager. These tiles do not apply to Macrium SiteDeploy® and only apply to computers managed by Macrium Site Manager.

The dashboard page also contains a set of widgets that can be customized to monitor behavior in the Site Manager and SiteDeploy® environment. To edit the widget layout, click on the 'Edit Dashboard' button, on the top right of the dashboard. The Dashboard will then enter edit mode.

The top bar allows new widgets to be added to the Dashboard - clicking a button will add a widget to the Dashboard below the existing widgets. Multiple widgets of the same type may be added (e.g. adding two Repository Disk Usage widgets to show disk usage on two different golden image stores). The configuration changes can then either be saved or discarded.

In the large dashboard area, the currently enabled widgets can be moved by dragging them, resized by dragging the resize handle on the bottom right or deleted by using the delete button on the top right.

Below are the widgets that can be used to monitor aspects of Macrium SiteDeploy®:

Widget Name


ActivityProgress bars and information for any currently backing-up computers. This will show the progress of current golden image creation and deployment tasks.
ForecastAn overview of any upcoming backups - may be configured to show different repositories or time periods. 
NotificationsThe events and notifications that have been generated by the management server, with tools to filter and delete them.
Repository Disk UsageThe free and used space on a repository or golden image store, shown in pie chart format.

Deployment Menu

Macrium SiteDeploy® can be found under the 'Deployment' dropdown menu. The pages under this menu are shown below:

Golden image stores

The 'Golden Image Stores' page is used to create and manage golden image stores. These are used as the destination for golden image creation and the source for golden image deployment.

The arrow shown next to the golden image store can be expanded to show additional information about the selected golden image store.

The 'Disk Usage' tab shows the usage of the disk where the golden image store is located. This information is presented as a pie chart:

The 'Configuration' tab provides more information about the configuration of the golden image store. Macrium Image Guardian (MIG) can also be enabled and disabled for the selected golden image store:

This article contains more information about using Macrium Image Guardian to protect golden image stores.

Golden images

The 'Golden Images' page shows a list of golden images that have been created and the metadata that was specified about the golden image at the time of creation. The golden images can be sorted using the tags; tags will be automatically generated using the metadata that is specified about the image at the time of creation. User tags can also be created and assigned to golden images on this page, using the 'Configure' button, this article contains more information.

The arrow shown next to the golden image can be expanded to provide more detailed information about the selected golden image.

The 'Details' tab, will show the metadata about the golden image:

The 'Drives' tab, will show the partition structure that was included in the golden image:

Deployment media

The 'Deployment Media' page is used to create deployment media, manage existing deployment media, and control the in-box PXE server that is included with Macrium SiteDeploy®. The status of the deployment media and PXE components are shown on this page. The 'Rescue USB Builder' tool and the 'Driver Harvester' tool can also be downloaded on this page.

Deployment Targets

The 'Deployment Targets' page will show all the endpoints that have been booted using the deployment media. These endpoints can be sorted using the tags shown on the left of the page. A centrally initiated deployment can then be started for the endpoints shown in this tab. The checkbox shown next to the endpoint(s) is used to control which endpoints the golden image will be deployed to. Multiple endpoints can be deployed to at the same time.

The 'RECOVERY:X' number shown on this page will correspond to an endpoint that has been booted using the deployment media, the 'RECOVERY:X' number is also shown on the endpoint and can be used to identify physical endpoints against the endpoints shown on the 'Deployment Targets' tab.

Deployment Logs

The 'Deployment Logs' page will show all the deployments that have been performed and the status of these deployments. The 'Hardware Fingerprint' will show the unique ID that has been assigned to each computer. This contributes to the number of unique deployment targets when using an 'Endpoint' license. This article contains more information about licensing.

The result of deployments on this may be inaccurate due to factors that the SiteDeploy® is not aware of, for example, issues booting post-deployment. The results of deployments on this page can be edited to mark them as 'Deployed', 'Test', 'Accidental', or 'Unbootable', allowing for deployments to be reclaimed in the event that the computer was unbootable, the deployment was started accidentally, or the deployment was a test. The number of successful 'deployed' deployments will contribute to the licensing when using a 'Macrium SiteDeploy For System Builder' license.

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