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titleReturn code

MRAuto.exe exit status code can be obtained from %ERRORLEVEL% in the command prompt. Return value 0 means success and all other values indicate a failure. For Restore tasks, which completed booting into Rescue media, the status code can be queried via 'mrauto --status' command. 

Example: Typing 'echo %ERRORLEVEL%' once MrAuto.exe completed would display exit status code.

For detailed error information, please check the corresponding log file stored in C:\ProgramData\Macrium\Reflect

Code Block

Macrium Reflect Auto - Backup/Restore Automation utility.

mrauto.exe -[b][r][s][l] <storage location> [backup name] <drive letters/disk numbers> [-t][-u][-p][-i][-e] [--stealth][--quiet]

  -b | --backup     Creates a backup.
  -r | --restore    Restores a backup.
  -s | --status     Displays status of the last auto restore.
  -l | --list       Lists backups in the storage location by time.
                    Lists disks/partitions in the image or system.
       --stealth    Suppress backup notifications.
       --quiet      Suppress the Reflect console output.
  -f | --filter     Filter backup list by wildcard match. Used in --list option.
  -t | --type       Backup type - Full/Diff/Inc.
  -u | --user       Network user name - Domain\User or User
  -p | --password   Network password.
  -i | --imagepwd   Image password for Backup/Restore/List.
  -e | --encryption AES encryption level for Backups. 0 - none, 1 - 128 bit, 2 - 192 bit, 3 - 256 bit
  -n | --nowarning  Suppress overwrite confirmation during Restore.
  -v | --verify     Verify image file after Backup or before Restore.
  -w | --wait       Wait for in progress Backup/Restore job to finish.
       --retention  Apply Reflect Default Retention Rules.
       --stealth    Suppress backup notifications.
       --quiet      Suppress the Reflect console output.
  -h | --help       Show options.

Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -h

  -h [ --help ]
  -b [ --backup ] arg                   Creates a backup.
  -r [ --restore ] arg                  Restores a backup.
  -s [ --status ]                       Displays status of the last auto
  -f [ --filter ] [=arg(=*.mrimg)] (=*) Filter backup list by wildcard match.
  -l [ --list ] arg                     Lists backups/disks/partitions.
  --stealth                             Stealth Mode - Suppresses backup
  -t [ --type ] arg (=Full)             Backup type - Full/Diff/Inc
  -u [ --user ] arg                     Network User Name.
  -p [ --password ] arg                 Network Password.
  -i [ --imagepwd ] arg                 Image Password
  -e [ --encryption ] arg (=0)          AES Encryption Level. 0 - none, 1 - 128
                                        bit, 2 - 192 bit, 3 - 256 bit
  -n [ --nowarning ]                    Suppress overwrite confirmation during
  -v [ --verify ]                       Verify image file after Backup or
                                        before Restore.
  -w [ --wait ]                         Wait for in progress Backup/Restore job
                                        to finish.
  --retention                           Apply Reflect Default Retention Rules.
  --stealth                             Stealth Mode - Suppresses backup
  --quiet                               quiet Log - Suppress Reflect output.


Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -b

 usage:   mrauto.exe -b <backup location> [image name] <{vol1,vol2}|{disk1,disk2}|{disk1:par1,disk2:par2}>
                        [-t full/diff/inc] [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [-e 0/1/2/3]
                        [--verify][--wait] [--retention] [--stealth] [--quiet]

 example: mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups C: -u User -p Pass --stealth
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test C,D,E -t inc --wait
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test D --verify --retention --quiet
          mrauto.exe -b \\Share\Backups Test 1:1,2:2 -i ImagePass -e 1
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test 1,2

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'


Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -r

 usage:   mrauto.exe -r <{[location] [image file]} | {full image path}>[?{vol1,vol2}|{disk1,disk2}|{disk1:par1,disk2:par2}]
                        [target disk] [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [--verify][--wait][--nowarning][--quiet]

 example: mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups Test-00-00.mrimg
          mrauto.exe -r \\Share\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg -u User -p Pass -i ImagePass --quiet
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?C,D,E
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?1:1,1:2
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg 1 --wait
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg --verify
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?1:2 1

 NOTE: Restoring multiple disks within an image are not supported.
       Only multiple partitions in the same disk are supported.

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'


List command 'mrauto.exe -l <image files folder>' lists all the files inside the folder. Optional wildcard filter cam be used to narrow the search. 

Code Block
 usage:   mrauto.exe -l <[backup file folder] | [full image path] | [.]>
                     [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [-f filter]

 example: mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups -f *.mrimg
          mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups\Test.mrimg
          mrauto.exe -l \\Share\Backups\Test.mrimg -u User -p Pass
          mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups\Test.mrimg -i ImagePass
          mrauto.exe -l .

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'


To list all the image files in a folder 

Please note: The file timestamp displayed will be file creation time which will closely match with the timestamp displayed in Reflect Image View.

Code Block
titleC:\Users\User\Download>mrauto.exe -l e:\backups\ -f *.mrimg
 Files in e:\backups\

  Date      Time        Size     Name

04/27/22 01:04:49 PM   1.59 GB   E02EA1FC9A1CD6C8-01-01.mrimg
04/27/22 01:03:25 PM   1.59 GB   E02EA1FC9A1CD6C8-00-00.mrimg
04/27/22 12:58:04 PM   1.59 GB   4FCBB35A521D555B-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 01:49:58 PM   1.59 GB   419D32F43C8A6298-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 01:41:34 PM   1.59 GB   73C293B952CE7D34-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 11:52:40 AM   1.59 GB   07FD4877C90882A5-01-01.mrimg
04/26/22 10:37:18 AM   1.59 GB   07FD4877C90882A5-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 10:36:04 AM   1.59 GB   E9409BE794895ADA-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 10:24:13 AM   1.59 GB   8CF0C6124033EDFC-00-00.mrimg
04/26/22 10:09:21 AM   1.59 GB   763A365DA69E70DC-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 01:38:37 PM   1.59 GB   AA2F8B962177BDC3-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 01:36:26 PM   1.59 GB   4F53CA5C9CA9A598-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 01:12:32 PM   1.59 GB   558DAD3FFE927DB9-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 11:49:49 AM   1.59 GB   1124B60125507DE3-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 09:46:50 AM   1.59 GB   4C778FC2604DE0BE-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 09:45:32 AM   1.59 GB   F1BD730CD26E7825-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 09:41:41 AM   1.59 GB   DFAB222D71EA26EB-00-00.mrimg
02/07/22 08:42:29 AM   1.59 GB   8ED28DC0E3AF7125-00-00.mrimg
12/23/21 02:25:31 PM   1.59 GB   B6C9027CE9437759-00-00.mrimg
12/23/21 02:22:05 PM   1.59 GB   1AA0B3EC53CBB5F2-00-00.mrimg
12/23/21 02:21:27 PM   1.59 GB   8645F7F2632987F2-00-00.mrimg
12/23/21 02:18:57 PM   1.59 GB   41635A975C322178-00-00.mrimg
09/21/21 06:58:54 AM   1.59 GB   FB100B49F0500FBF-00-00.mrimg
03/30/21 04:43:10 PM   1.59 GB   EE2540934C564797-00-00.mrimg
03/11/21 10:40:00 PM   1.59 GB   3419F9772B775950-00-00.mrimg
03/10/21 11:41:13 AM   1.59 GB   1F447DE7946F5057-00-00.mrimg
03/01/21 09:23:37 AM   1.59 GB   9C6CB6F17254AD9C-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 01:43:58 PM   1.59 GB   D229B88F827AC3AD-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 01:42:38 PM   1.59 GB   EAADD7754877037B-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 01:35:47 PM   1.59 GB   D6E24E254D10032E-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 01:34:05 PM   1.59 GB   98383A860C39CCAC-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 12:23:02 PM   1.59 GB   7D7EEC0422B8756A-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 12:19:31 PM   1.59 GB   532D15FB120E516E-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 12:16:43 PM   1.59 GB   951DBB1F129078BD-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 12:15:30 PM   1.59 GB   90412B2CA36517DE-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 12:10:53 PM   1.59 GB   933F63F80389C9C5-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 11:58:29 AM   1.59 GB   82A90008F7838E24-00-00.mrimg
02/23/21 11:55:45 AM   1.59 GB   5FCD2575DC64F73B-00-00.mrimg
10/27/20 04:43:47 PM   1.59 GB   B5A9A1506FBA3E92-00-00.mrimg
10/19/20 12:49:41 PM   1.59 GB   85551032D0C05DE1-02-02.mrimg
10/19/20 12:46:46 PM   1.59 GB   85551032D0C05DE1-01-01.mrimg
10/19/20 12:42:41 PM   1.59 GB   85551032D0C05DE1-00-00.mrimg

           42 File(s) 66.93 GB Total size
