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MRAuto.exe is a utility that simplifies Image backup and restore by directly running from the command line by automatically generating backup and restore definition xml files:

  • No xml definition required for to start an Image backup or restore
  • Runs completely in the background with no user interface
  • Handles the majority of most common backup and restore scenarios with simple command line arguments
  • MRAuto.exe system restore tasks will automatically boot into the Macrium Rescue media to complete the restore process



MRAuto.exe requires administrative privilege to run. To see the help information, please open a command prompt as Administrator and run mrauto.exe. The options are case-insensitive and can be used in short for '-' or long form '--'.

titleReturn code

MRAuto.exe exit status code can be obtained from %ERRORLEVEL% in the command prompt. Return value 0 means success and all other values indicate a failure. For Restore tasks, which completed booting into Rescue media, the status code can be queried via 'mrauto --status' command. 

Example: Typing 'echo %ERRORLEVEL%' once MrAuto.exe completed would display exit status code.


Code Block

Macrium Reflect Auto - Backup/Restore Automation utility.

mrauto.exe -[b][r][s][l] <storage location> [backup name] <drive> <drive letters/disk numbers> [-t][-u][-p][-i][-e] [--stealth][--verbose]

  -b | --backup     Creates a Full backup of the drive.
  -r | --restore    Restores a backup.
  -s | --status     Displays status of the last auto restore.
  -l | --list       Lists backups in the storage location by time.
                    Lists drivesdisks/partitions in the image or system.
       --stealth    Suppress backup notifications.
       --verbose    Display Reflect console output.
  -f | --filter     Filter backup list by wildcard match. Used in --list option.
  -t | --type       Backup type - Full/Diff/Inc.
  -u | --user       Network user name for Backup/Restore - Domain\User or User
  -p | --password   Network password.
for Backup/Restore   -i | --imagepwd   Image password for Backup/Restore/List.
  -e | --encryption AES encryption level for Backups. 0 - none, 1 - 128 bit, 2 - 192 bit, 3 - 256 bit
  -n | --nowarning  Suppress overwrite confirmation during Restore.
  -v | --verify     Verify image file after Backup or before Restore.
       --retention  Apply Reflect Default Retention Rules.
  -h | --help       Show options.

Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -h

  -h [ --help ]
  -b [ --backup ] arg                   Creates a Full backup of the drive.
  -r [ --restore ] arg                  Restores a backup.
  -s [ --status ]                       Displays status of the last auto
  -f [ --filter ] [=arg(=*.mrimg)] (=*) Filter backup list by wildcard match.
  -l [ --list ] arg                     Lists drives/backups/disks/partitions.
  --stealth                             Stealth Mode - Suppresses backup
  -t [ --type ] arg (=Full)             Backup type - Full/Diff/Inc
  -u [ --user ] arg                     Network User Name.
for Backup/Restore   -p [ --password ] arg                 Network Password.
for Backup/Restore   -i [ --imagepwd ] arg                 Image Password
  -e [ --encryption ] arg (=0)          AES Encryption Level. 0 - none, 1 - 128
                                        bit, 2 - 192 bit, 3 - 256 bit
  -n [ --nowarning ]                    Suppress overwrite confirmation during
  -v [ --verify ]                       Verify image file after Backup or
                                        before Restore.
  --retention                           Apply Reflect Default Retention Rules.
  --verbose                             Verbose Log - Displays Reflect output.


Backup and Restore supports source disk/partition selections by drive letter or drive number disk and partition number combination. DriveDisk/partition numbers are 1 based index as shown in Reflect rather than 0 based index shown in Disk Management console. 

Mixing drive letters and drive disk numbers in a single operation is not allowed. It either has to be all drive letters  or drive disk number and partition number. However, mixing of drive disk number and drive# disk# & partition# combination is allowed.


In the above sample, it will backup all partitions contained in drive# disk# 1 and partition 1 and 3 from drive# disk# 2. To see available disks and partitions in the system please run 'mrauto.exe -l .' command.


Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -b

 usage:   mrauto.exe -b <backup location> [image name] <{vol1,vol2}|{drv1disk1,drv2disk2}|{drv1disk1:par1,drv2disk2:par2}>
                        [-t full/diff/inc] [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [-e 0/1/2/3]
                        [--verify] [--retention] [--stealth] [--verbose]

 example: mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups C: -u User -p Pass --stealth --verbose
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test C,D,E -t inc --verbose
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test D --verify --retention --verbose
          mrauto.exe -b \\Share\Backups Test 1:1,2:2 -i ImagePass -e 1 --verbose
          mrauto.exe -b D:\Backups Test 1,2

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'


This can be achieved by  specifying drive letters or drive number disk and partition number after the question mark symbol in the image file name. 


Like Backup command, mixing drive letter and driver disk numbers in a single operation is not allowed. To see what are drive letters or drive disk numbers contained within the image, please run 'mrauto.exe -l <full image path>'

By default, without specifying target drivedisk, Restore operation will try to locate the source disk in the system by matching disk signature. The operation will fail when the source disk is not found in the system. This will be the case when image of a disk from different computer is used to Restore it on another computer.

 The optional 'target drivedisk' option can be used in the above scenario and backup from one disk can be restored to another disk. The target drive disk must have enough space for this to succeed.


Code Block
C:\Users\User\Downloads>mrauto.exe -r

 usage:   mrauto.exe -r <{[location] [image file]} | {full image path}>[?{vol1,vol2}|{drv1disk1,drv2disk2}|{drv1disk1:par1,drv2disk2:par2}]
                        [target drivedisk] [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [--verify][--nowarning][--verbose]

 example: mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups Test-00-00.mrimg --verbose
          mrauto.exe -r \\Share\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg -u User -p Pass -i ImagePass --verbose
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?C,D,E
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?1:1,1:2
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg 1
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg --verify
          mrauto.exe -r D:\Backups\Test-00-00.mrimg?1:2 1

 NOTE: Restoring multiple disks within an image are not supported.
       Only multiple partitions in the same disk are supported.

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'


Code Block
 usage:   mrauto.exe -l <[backup file folder] | [full image path] | [.]>
                     [-u user] [-p pass] [-i imagepass] [-f filter]

 example: mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups -f *.mrimg
          mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups\Test.mrimg
          mrauto.exe -l \\Share\Backups\Test.mrimg -u User -p Pass
          mrauto.exe -l D:\Backups\Test.mrimg -i ImagePass
          mrauto.exe -l .

  For more information type 'mrauto.exe -h'
