Running continuous backups of SQL databases ensures that frequent backups of your databases are taken at required time intervals. It is always possible, therefore, to restore your data to a point as close as possible to the failure point.
Continuous backups run separately to normal backups and imaging functions. A new Macrium Reflect SQL backup file is made each day and has its own email notification, disk space management, compression and password settings.
If an additional backup of a database under continuous backup is made, Macrium Reflect automatically creates a new full backup to ensure consistency of backed up logs.
You can not run continuous backup on databases that are not running the Full Recovery Model.
Select Continuous Backup from SQL Server Tasks.
The first time a reminder box displays, check Don't ask me again, if appropriate and click OK.
A dialog showing databases running the Full recovery model appears, select Enable SQL continuous backup.
Select the databases you wish to add to continuous backup.
You can select databases from multiple SQL instances.If required, click Advanced Settings to change the compression, password and email option.
Click Next.
The dialog Select how you would like to run continuous backup appears.
By default, Run all day is selected.
Select run from and specify a time range when you want to have the continuous backup running.
If required, select frequency for log backups.
Specify; how many days between full backups and what time of day you want them start.
When you are happy with your selection, click Finish.
Continuous backup runs in the background. You can run and create backups of the system or of SQL databases without interfering with continuous backup. Only logs files for failed continuous backups are stored.