Dynamic volumes are differentiated from standard partitions by use of a contrasting color and the disk title.
How to restore a
Dynamic disk
Typically, the target will be same the dynamic disk from which the backup was taken; in which case the restore is automatically configured when the image is selected for restore. It is just as straightforward as the restore of a Basic disk.
Before the backup is started, the Dynamic disk initialization and Volume configuration must be have been completed by an external tool such as Disk Management or diskpart (both included with all versions of Windows).
Info Dynamic disk initialization and Volume configuration is not possible in the rescue environment, even with diskpart. This is a known limitation of Windows PE (read more here and here) as a result of not being able to persist the Dynamic disk state in the (possibly absent) host OS. If your target disk is not initialized, and you need to restore from the rescue environment, then you must restore to a Basic disk, and convert back to dynamic once you have booted your (restored) Windows system. See the next section for more details. The restore is by volume. As part of the restore configuration, volumes to be restored must be "dragged" to already configured Dynamic volumes on your target disk. It is not possible to reconfigure the target volume size, so the "Restored partition properties" option is not available.
Info You can also drag and drop dynamic volumes to Basic MBR or GPT partitioned or an uninitialized target disk. This enables you to convert a Dynamic disk back to Basic. This is not possible with Microsoft tools.
How to restore a bootable
Dynamic volume to an uninitialized disk
If your computer is not bootable, the restore must be run from the Reflect PE based rescue environment.
The process is complicated as it it not possible to create a Dynamic disk from the rescue environment.
Therefore, the recommend method is to restore up to the first 4 partitions from within the rescue environment ensuring the C: partition and your system reserved (if used) are included. Follow the restore steps, here, noting that you must drag each partition from the backup layout to the target disk.
Note that if there is no target disk then start the PE command window (icon lower left). Then type