
You're able to change the MultiSite display name and view the current email address and Account number (a unique id used to identify your Account).

Changing Your Email

The Change Email section can be found within the General menu under the initial Account information.

Upon submitting the new email address you will receive a confirmation email that gets sent to the email address you wish to change to. Instructions on steps will be within the email sent alongside the change email link.

Deleting MultiSite Account

If you wish to delete your Multisite Account you can press the Delete Account button. This will display a confirmation dialog which upon confirming, will delete the Account and any associated Accounts setup via the Users page.

The Account is still retrievable for a period of time after deleting and you can retrieve this by contacting MultiSite Support.

Accounts are retrievable for up to 6months after you've deleted your account. After this period of time, a new Account will need to be created in order to use MultiSite, you can contact MultiSite Support with any enquiries about this.

Only the owner of the MultiSite domain can delete it.

How do I get here?

  • You can access General settings from the Settings section of the primary app menu.