Remote Viewing


Remote viewing is one of the most powerful features of MultiSite.

Remote Viewing allows you to easily & securely access the Site Manager interface of your connected Sites.

As access is provided through a secret API key this allows access to Site Manager without needing a Windows Administrator account on the Site Manager server.

API Keys

Because API keys allow access to Site Manager without requiring a Windows account you should take every effort to keep these secure.

If you suspect a key has been compromised you can regenerate the key in the Site Manager Settings area. This will expire the old key and you will need to update the API key in MultiSite.

How do I get here?

  • Dashboard: Each online Site has a View button on the Sites Widget.
  • Sites Page: By selecting a Site on the table, a View button appears on the right panel. 
  • Image Status Reports: The Remote View Log button on the right panel opens a Remote View session on the Logs page in Site Manager with the right log selected.
  • Repositories Page: Each Repository row on the table has a View button which opens a Remote View session directly on the chosen Repository.

Available Buttons

  • Reconnect: It restarts the current Remote View session. This button should be used when, for some reason, the Remote View stops working or you are having issues navigating on Site Manager.
  • Pop Out in New Tab: Opens a Remote View session in a new tab.
  • Open Full Screen: Expands the Remote View session to full-screen mode hiding the left lateral menu and the top menu.
  • Help: It opens a modal with help.
  • Close: It closes the current Remote View session.

Alternative Views

Failed Connection

If there is a problem connecting to a Site you may see this screen. There can be several causes of a connection issue, some of the more common issues can be:

  • Site is offline
  • Remote Management is disabled within the Site Manager settings
  • API key's do not match between MultiSite and Site Manager

The last issue could be a result of an API key change made within the Site Manager Remote Manager settings.