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Site Manager can be configured to allow different users on the Site Manager server or a Windows Active Directory Domain to log into Site Manager.

By default members of the Administrators group on the Site Manager server and members of Domain Administrators on the Site Manager server's domain can log in. Additional domains and permissions can be configured as described below.

Login Providers

Login providers serve as the interface between Site Manager and an authentication resource. There is a unique login provider for each authentication resource so that permissions for each resource can be managed independently by configuring the associated provider. Three types of login provider currently exist:

Login Provider TypeAuthentication ResourceIncluded by DefaultNotes
Server LocalUser Account ControlYesAuthenticates local users. Local administrator accounts will always have permission to access Site Manager.
Primary Server DomainActive DirectoryYes (if the Site Manager server is joined to a domain)

Authenticates users on the domain the Site Manager server is joined to. It is created automatically and can not be removed by the user. Domain administrators can log in using this provider.

Domain disconnections

If the server is moved from its domain then the provider will be converted to a domain provider. A new primary server domain provider will be created when Site Manager reconnects to a domain.

Secondary Server DomainActive DirectoryYes (if the Site Manager server is joined to a domain in a forest)

Authenticates users on domains within the forest the Site Manager server is joined to. It is created automatically and can not be removed.

Domain disconnections

If the server is moved from its domain then the provider will be converted to a domain provider. A new set of secondary server domain providers will be created on start-up.

DomainActive DirectoryNoThis provider interfaces with Active Directory domains other than that which the Site Manager server is connected to.

Active Directory compatibility

Site Manager must connect with a domain controller that supports LDAP v3 for permissions to be set for accounts on the domain. LDAP over SSL will be used if available.

Managing Login Providers

Disabling Domain Forest Searching

Site Manager automatically creates local, primary server domain, and secondary server domain providers on startup. 

Users can stop Site Manager from creating domain providers by setting the registry value "Configure default providers" in the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macrium\Site Manager" to 0. This will prevent Site Manager from creating any providers except the primary domain and local computer providers. 

While the automatic providers should cater to most needs, custom domain providers can be created to connect to domains outside of the forest the Site Manager server is in. Beware that members of authorized groups can only access Site Manager if they are on the same domain as the group. This differs from the automatic domain providers which support cross-domain authorization.

All providers are listed within the provider manager dialog. Providers can be configured or removed by clicking the respective buttons in the table. New providers can be created by clicking the 'Add' button, which opens the dialog to configure a new domain provider.

A domain provider can be configured with the following fields:

NameA friendly name that is displayed to users. If no name is provided then the provider will be named after the domain it is associated with.
Domain Controller

The hostname of a domain controller. This can be in the form of a DNS-style name, a NetBIOS address, or an IP address.

Custom ports

Site Manager will communicate with the domain controller using LDAP. To use custom ports (other than the default of 389 or 636) specify the domain controller in the hostname:port format.

UsernameThe username of an account on the domain. The credentials of this account will be used to perform any lookups against the LDAP server.
PasswordThe password of the account specified by the username entered in the previous field.
Display Order PriorityThe order that the provider will appear in dropdown lists like on the login page and the permissions modal. There is also an option to hide the provider from lists other than the table in the provider manager which may be useful if there are unused automatically generated providers.

After clicking 'Save', Site Manager will check the validity of the configuration. If a provider can be created then the configuration is saved and a provider is added to the list of providers in the previous window. Otherwise, an error message will appear describing the problem.

Assigning Roles to Users

The 'Users & Groups' page of the Site Manager settings can be used to select which users and groups from the domain providers have access to Site Manager and the level of access they will have.

The 'Configure permissions for' dropdown can be used to select a domain provider: 

Selecting '+ Add' will then open the 'Configure Permissions' window for the selected domain:

A table listing the active permissions is below the provider selection field. Here the names of authorized users and groups are displayed. All members of an authorized group are given the permissions of that group (membership is applied transitively). Users can be removed from the table, revoking their permissions, using the bin icon.

All users and groups newly added to the active permissions listing are defaulted with the viewer role, this role is the lowest form of access granted by Site Manager. To increase a user's or group's access further, select pencil icon from the role column to access the role editor.

The 'Role' window enables you to select the role(s) that will be applied to the selected user or group. Select the roles required for the user or group and apply changed roles by clicking the 'Save' button. Roles can be combined where required, selecting all the non-administrator pre-defined roles is equivalent to granting the administrator role to Site Manager.

The available pre-defined roles are:

AdministratorGrants full administrative access to the Site Manager user.
Standard User (Viewer)Grants minimum access to the Site Manager user. A user with this role can view the majority of information available in Site Manager, but can't make changes beyond configuring their own instance of the dashboard and table layouts. The repository browser and verification pages are unavailable to the user.
Backup OperatorGrants the same access as a 'Standard User' to Site Manager, but the user can enable or disable predefined backup plans, start, stop, or pause backups, start or stop remote syncs, access the repository browser (without access to backup contents) and verify backups.
Restore OperatorGrants the same access as a 'Standard User' to Site Manager, but the user can perform remote restores, generate and download rescue media, access the repository browser (and open backups), and verify backups.
Backup Manager

Grants the same access as a backup and restore operator to Site Manager, but the user can configure backup plans, definitions, schedules, repositories, remote syncs, and agent tags along with access to the repository browser (full access, including deletion) and full access to manage agents (add, remove, remote install, upgrade and perform maintenance actions including reboot agent, reset VSS and resync logs).

Deployment OperatorThis grants the user the ability to perform deployments. The user will have access, in the deployment media, to start an endpoint-initiated deployment. The user can also start a centrally-initiated deployment in the 'Deployment Targets' tab of SiteDeploy®. See this article for more information about Macrium SiteDeploy® user management.
Deployment ManagerThis grants the user full access to SiteDeploy®. The user will be able to create golden image stores, create deployment media, and perform both centrally-initiated and endpoint-initiated deployments. See this article for more information about Macrium SiteDeploy® user management.
Server Manager

Grants the same access as a 'Standard User' to Site Manager, but the user can configure server settings, configure repositories, access the repository browser (view listings only), manage agent licensing, perform agent maintenance actions (reboot agent, reset VSS and resync logs), generate rescue media and install server updates.

Alternatively, custom roles can be created using a list of over 40 different permissions.

Creating Custom Roles

From Site Manager 8.1.7888, users can create their own custom roles. To create custom roles, select the 'Roles' page of the Site Manager settings:

The roles section on the left of the page shows a list of the existing custom and pre-defined user roles.

The 'Permissions' list on the right will show the selected permissions for the selected role. The pre-defined roles cannot be directly edited, however, they can be copied and then modified using the 'Copy' icon shown next to the role. Alternatively, an entirely new custom role can be created using the 'Add Custom Role' button. A name, description, and any combination of the available permissions can be selected for the custom role:

Select 'Save' to save the custom role. The custom role will then be shown in the 'Roles' section of the page. The custom role can be edited, copied, or deleted using the relevant icon on the selected role:

The custom role is now available to assign to new and existing users and groups on the 'Users & Groups' page of the settings:

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