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Both the Site Manager server and Agent have a command line interface that can be used to perform a number of utility and maintenance actions. These commands generally require the appropriate service to be started and running in the background.

Site Manager Server

The Site Manager server executable file (mrserver.exe) can be used as a command line utility to perform certain actions on the server.

To use the command line actions run mrserver.exe, normally found in C:\Program Files\Macrium\SiteManager, from a command line with administrator privileges with one of the following options:

Action --action / -a <action>

C:\Program Files\Macrium\SiteManager> .\mrserver.exe -a <action>

The action option will run the specified action. The available actions are:

softrestartPerforms a soft restart of the running server. This is generally useful when requested by Macrium Support to fix issues which are blocking the web server UI

Performs the first time setup of the server. If the Site Manager server has been installed for the first time, the server will display an initial setup page to choose between simple and secure mode. 

If the server is in this state, then this command line may be used as an alternative to the web browser. This can be useful on systems which do not have a compatible web browser. See Installation and Update for more information


display-domainsDisplays information about connected domains for support and troubleshooting purposes.
dump-logsGenerates and dumps support logs. Use --location <location> option to specify location to place generated logs.
crash-dumpGenerates a crash dump of the running service. Use --location <location> option to specify location to place dump file. Use only under direction of Macrium Support.
upgradeChecks if an upgrade is available and upgrade if possible. Use --force option to skip prompting for confirmation. If an upgrade is available, the release notes will be displayed on the command line.

There are also a set of actions for retrieving CSV data for the different daily export data. Along with specifying the action either specify --outputtoconsole / -o to output the CSV to the console or --location / -l <location> to place the generated csv file at the specified location.

These data exports are in the same format as the Settings → Daily Export data.

The possible export actions are:

get-repo-contentsRetrieve repository contents
get-repo-changesRetrieve changes to repositories since previous export
get-repo-statusRetrieve the status of all repositories
get-computersRetrieve information about all computers
get-backup-dataRetrieve backup information
get-event-logRetrieve event logs

Help --help / -h

C:\Program Files\Macrium\SiteManager> .\mrserver.exe --help

The help option will list all the available command line options.

Launch --launch / -x

C:\Program Files\Macrium\SiteManager> .\mrserver.exe -x

The launch option will start the Site Manager server and launch the UI in the default browser. This requires the command to be run from a command prompt with Administrator privileges.


The agent executable file MacriumAgent.exe can also be used as a command line utility to perform certain actions on the agent.

To use the command line actions run MacriumAgent.exe, normally found in C:\Program Files\Macrium\Agent, from a command line with administrator privileges with one of the following options:

Action --action / -a <action>

C:\Program Files\Macrium\Agent>MacriumAgent.exe -a <action>

The action option will run the specified action. The available actions are:

testconnectionConnect to the service and show the status of the connection to Site Manager and the version of the Agent. This can be used to verify Agent connectivity.
dbgdumpDisplay information about the running agent and computer.


Force the agent to reconnect to the server. Use the --timeout / -t <time> option to specify the maximum time in seconds to try reconnecting for (5 seconds default). If the reconnection is successful, the Site Manager server will show the Agent in the Initializing state.
harvestdriversPlaces all drivers necessary to run rescue media in location specified using --location / -l <location>. If the given location is the root of a rescue media, the correct folder structure for drivers will be created and populated.

Help --help / -h

C:\Program Files\Macrium\Agent>MacriumAgent.exe -h

The help option will list all the available command line options.

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