When mounting an Macrium Reflect image and selecting to enable 'access to restricted folders' on Windows 7 while using Trend Micro Titanium you may receive the following BSOD:
The problem is caused by Trend Micro Titanium which causes the computer to crash during the mount of the image file which is mounted by Macrium Reflect's thoroughly tested mounting service.
You need to disable Trend Micro Titanium (version: 7.0.1151) before trying to mount any Macrium Reflect image and enabling access to restricted folders. To complete this task follow the below steps:
- Right click the Titanium icon in the task bar and select 'Protection Against Viruses & Spyware'
- This will then bring up a warning about disabling the program
- After disabling Titanium mount your backup using Macrium Reflect or by right clicking the file and selecting 'Explore Image'
- If you want to re-enabled Titanium please follow the first point.