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Downloading Localization XML Files

After editing or adding new translations you can see the new translations in Macrium Reflect by downloading the latest language xml file.

  1. Download 'DownloadLangXml.exe' from here:

  2. Copy 'DownloadLangXml.exe' to any accessible folder on your PC. (In this example we're using the downloads folder)}

  3. Start an elevated command prompt and 'CD' to the download folder.

  4. Run DownloadLangXml.exe' passing the language code for the language you are translating as the only parameter.
    In this example we're downloading the German language translation file:

  5. Copy/Move the translation .xml file to folder 'C:\Program Files\Macrium\Common\Languages' 

That's it! The next time Macrium Reflect starts the recently copied .xml file will be used for translations. 

Running QA checks

Note: To enable the verification of translations, both the 'qa.txt' and 'ignore-words.txt' files are uploaded to our servers when the '-qa' and '-spell' parameters are used.
-hDisplays help text

Checks each term and reports spelling and grammar errors to an output text file. The built-in Windows spell checker is used to analyze each term as it's written to the xml file. 
DownloadLangXml.exe de -spell

The output file is created in the same folder as DownloadLangXml.exe with the file name spell.txt

Note: The download may take considerably longer when -spell is invoked.

Spell checking is only available for languages that are installed in the Windows OS. 

Unfortunately Japanese and Korean checking may not be available

Example error output:

Project: ReflectBin
Error:   Anhaltedateien - Suggestion: Anhalte Dateien

Project: ReflectBin
Error:   verifzieren - Suggestion: verifizieren

Checks that the translated text has the same format specifiers as the base English text.  For more information on format specifiers please see here:

DownloadLangXml.exe nl -fmtchk

Format specifiers, such as '%d', '%s', '%f'  etc. must exist in the translated text in the same sequence and using the same values. 

The output file is created in the same folder as DownloadLangXml.exe with the file name fmtchk.txt

Example error output:

Format errors found
English Text: Starting Verify - %s
Local Text: VerifiÙren gestart - &s
Term 2: ReflectInstaller#IDS_INSTALLER_TITLE
English Text: %s Setup
Local Text: % Ingesteld

Checks that the translated text includes reserved words that are untranslated. These include, but are not limited to products names and technical acronyms.

DownloadLangXml.exe nl -wrdchk

The output file is created in the same folder as DownloadLangXml.exe with the file name wrdchk.txt

Example error output:

Reserved Word: ReDeploy
English Text: ReDeploy
Local Text: Opnieuw implementeren
Reserved Word: ReDeploy
English Text: ReDeploy process complete
Local Text: Herimplementatieproces voltooid
Note: We can 'approve' terms by language that will bypass the reserved word check. This can be enabled remotely if necessary.
-qaRuns all checks and writes the output to a single file:  qa.txt

Excluding words from the spell checker

It's possible to exclude incorrectly flagged words by creating a text file named 'ignore-words.txt' and entering each word or phrase as a single line:

Macrium Reflect Home Edition
determine source file for
backup Microsoft Exchange Backup cache

Note:  Common domain words and phrases that would normally throw a spelling error are automatically excluded.