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At startup, Macrium Reflect loads the language .xml file corresponding the chosen language in 'Other tasks' > 'Edit Defaults and Settings' > 'Advanced' > 'Language':

Folder 'C:\program Files\Macrium\Common\Languages' is the source for all available languages and translations.
New languages are automatically downloaded when Reflect starts.  

Language files are named using the ISO 639-1 character code of the language.

Example xml format:

    <language code="de" updated="2021-11-12T15:18:15+0000">German</language>
    <date_created>19/11/2021 11:48</date_created>
  • The language code must be a valid ISO 639- code, in this case it's "de"
  • The updated date of "2021-11-12T15:18:15+0000" indicates whether the file is outdated, and if so, it will be replaced if a later file is found when checking for updates or if the language is switched to German.
  • The executable name "ReflectBin" indicates that the text is used in the main Reflect application. 
  • In the example above term IDR_MAINFRAME-POPUP1 is a unique identifier (term) that defines the text element Datei in Macrium Reflect, in this case it's the first menu item on the main screen:

Other than testing, please do not update language xml files directly.  Language xml files are generated by downloading data from our on-line localization database, POEditor, or by automatic updates from our server.