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Site Manager Agent Version

This content only applies to Site Manager Agents which are running version 7.2.4091 or earlier.

Later versions of the Agent do not use MSMQ and do not require the same ports to be open.

Macrium Site Manager uses Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) for message delivery. MSMQ requires that NetBIOS names can be resolved to IP addresses for message sending.

Please see the following sections for troubleshooting IP and networking connectivity issues.

IP and Name Resolution

Incorrect IP configuration is a common cause for message delivery failure, both from server to client and vice-versa.

These steps should be performed on the server as well as the client to diagnose addressing issues:

  • Use ping confirm IP4 address of the remote computer. Ping both the NETBIOS and IP4 address to confirm correct IP mapping. A difference in IP could mean that the wrong computer is receiving the messages from the server.
  • DNS lookup of the computer can be performed with nslookup (or similar tools).
  • LLMNR resolution should be performed using tools such as nbtstat. This step ensures that any DHCP IP4 mapping is correct by having the remote computer respond to a broadcast lookup, rather than having DNS respond to what is configured as a name entry.

Firewall Ports

MSMQ uses a number of ports, this Microsoft KB lists all ports that should remain open. Ensure Windows/third party firewall software as well as AV software is not blocking access to the ports listed in the KB.

Typically only TCP por 1801  is required for successful communications, but this is down to MSMQ implementation.

RPC135, 2101, 2103, 2105
UDP3527, 1801

See here for full details

MSMQ Configuration

You should ensure that the following are true:

  • MSMQ is installed on the server and remote computer. Macrium installers will add this as a features but post install operation may tamper with the installation.
  • MSMQ service is running on the server and remote computer. Again, Macrium installers will ensure this service is running but post install operations may intefere with this service.
  • MSMQ on the server and remote computer are bound to the correct socket. When MSMQ starts it will bind to the current IP, MSMQ will not dynamically respond to IP changes. MSMQ service must be restarted if the computer IP configuration changes.


A PowerShell script is available which will perform some of the above diagnostics. Download and follow these instructions:

  • Modify the $RemoteIP variable to be the remote computer IP to be tested.
  • Modify the $RemoteComputer variable to be the NETBIOS of the remote computer to be tested.
  • $RemoteIP and $RemoteComputer must both relate to the remote computer to be tested.
  • Run this script on both server and remote computer to check connectivity.
  • A text file report will be generated called AgentStatus.txt in the same folder as the script. Should you need to raise a support case, this text file will aid us greatly.

Sample output text file (summarised)

Socket Connection Check
TCP Socket Connection to JDP-PC:135 was successful
TCP Socket Connection to JDP-PC:189 failed
TCP Socket Connection to JDP-PC:1801 was successful
Local Computer IP Table
ifIndex IPAddress                PrefixLength PrefixOrigin SuffixOrigin AddressState PolicyStore
------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------
1 ::1 128 WellKnown WellKnown Preferred ActiveStore
2 fe80::5efe: %2 128 WellKnown Link Deprecated ActiveStore
3 9 Dhcp Dhcp Preferred ActiveStore
1 8 WellKnown WellKnown Preferred ActiveStore

Service Status
Status  Name DisplayName 
------ ---- -----------
Running MSMQ Message Queuing

TCP Port State

ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 135
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 0
ProcessName : svchost
PID : 892
ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 445
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 0
ProcessName : System
PID : 4
ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 1801
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 0
ProcessName : mqsvc
PID : 2140

ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 1801
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 49891
ProcessName : mqsvc
PID : 2140
ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 1801
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 6002
ProcessName : mqsvc
PID : 2140
ComputerName : DESKTOP-GH5NLOP
Protocol : TCP
LocalAddress :
LocalPort : 1801
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 51101
ProcessName : mqsvc
PID : 2140

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