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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space MSMBASE and version 7.2


To configure the settings for Site Manager, access the Settings page from the main menu:

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This is divided into a number of sections which are explained in more detail below


The Email section is divided into two subsections - SMTP Configuration for setting up server details and Backup Summary Emails for  for configuring which emails are sent automatically.


SMTP Configuration 

This section allows Email server settings to be configured, including security settings.

RecipientRecipients' s Email AddressesA semicolon separated list of email addresses which status emails will be sent to.
Sender's Email AddressThe email address the summary emails will be sent from.
SubjectText which should be added to the subject line of each email - this can be used to help differentiate emails from multiple Site Manager installations
SMTP ServerThe address (DNS or IP) of the SMTP server to use for sending.
Connection Type and Port

The type of connection used by the SMTP server. Supported options are:

  • Plain Text
  • Secure Sockets (SSL/TLS)
  • Transport Layer Security (STARTTLS)

The authentication method used by the SMTP server. Supported options are:

  • None
  • Auto-Detect
  • Challenge/Response Authentication (CRAM-MD5)
  • Secure Username/Password login (AUTH LOGIN)
  • Username/Password login (AUTH PLAIN)
  • Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM)
SMTP Username and PasswordThe username and password for the SMTP server. If left blank, no username will be used.
Test EmailSends a test message to the recipients entered in the test box. If there are errors in the send, they will be reported back.

Backup Summary

The summary section allows configuration of daily backup summary emails as below:

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The options available are: 

Enable Backup summary emailsThis toggle can be used to turn summary emails on or off
Email SubjectSubject of the email
Send TimeThe time when the daily email will be sent
Select ColumnsWhich columns should appear in the summary email. Changes to this section are reflected in the email preview underneath


The Management Console supports sending notifications to Slack. Once configured, the types of notifications can be configured in the Notifications section, below.

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Enable Toggle this to enable/disable Slack notifications.
Slack API TokenThis is your API authorization token. This allows the Management Console to post to your company Slack account.Workspace URLThis is the subdomain of your company Slack account. Usually this will be your company name.Incoming Webhook URLWebhook to use to post Slack messages. This can be configured in Slack management by creating a private app. See Slack Webhooks for more information
ChannelHere you can specify which channel you wish to post to in Slack. You may wish to create a new channel in Slack for your notifications.
Test NotificationThis button sends a test message the the slack channel configured above.


Here you can customize the various security options for the Management Console.

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Access Restriction


This section contains additional security settings for Agent communications. It allows an additional passphrase to be set - using a passphrase means that once communication has been established with an agent on a remote computer, the remote computer will only communicate with Site Manager servers which have the same passphrase set. This is intended to prevent any rogue processes emulating a Site Manager server from and gaining access to the agent on a remote computer. 


Here you can select which notifications appear in the User Interface, the Windows Event Log, over Slack or email (if configured). 

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The options available are:

  • Update available - sent when a software update to the Management Console is available. 
  • Backup StartedStart - sent when a backup has started to run on a managed computer
  • Backup SuccessfulSuccess - sent when a backup has completed successfully on a managed computer
  • Backup FailedFail - sent when a backup has completed unsuccessfully on a managed computer
  • Queue Empty (daily) Restore Start - sent when a scheduled queue of backups has completed all operations until the next day. Useful to note time taken for scheduled overnight backup operations
  • Queue Scheduling Errors - send when the server fails to start a backup on a managed computer. For example, if the computer is offline
  • Remote Operation Failed - send when a fatal error happens when attempting any operation restore has started to run on a managed computer
  • Restore Success - sent when a restore has completed successfully on a managed computer
  • Restore Fail - sent when a restore has completed unsuccessfully on a managed computer
  • Remote Synchronization Started - send Sync Start - sent when a repository starts remote synchronization with another server
  • Remote Synchronization SuccessfulSync Success - send sent when remote synchronization with another server succeeds
  • Remote Synchronization Failed - send Sync Fail - sent when remote synchronization with another server fails

Additionally, there are options to set whether relevant backup logs should be attached to emails and how many days without a backup should be allowed before the daily summary email warns that a computer is unprotected.


The number of days a computer can go without backups before being added to the dashboard and daily status email as a computer with a warning is configurable here via the Backup expiry period setting.



The system section contains options for modifying the behavior of the overall system. The options available are as follows:

Server Name

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Server Name

Allows a custom server name to be set. This server name will be shown in the title/tab bar of the browser, at the top of the CMC interface and in email subject lines.

This allows organisations with multiple CMC installs to easily tell them apart. The naming options are:

  • Do not display a name - this is the default setting
  • Display the server Computer name - uses the NetBIOS name of the server
  • Display a custom name - the name entered in the Custom Name field will be used


ArchiveUpdate the configuration archive on the Site Manager server with the current Site Manager configuration. Once complete, the timestamp shown by the Download configuration option will be updated
Import settingsUpload a previously create Site Manager configuration backup and apply the settings to this Site Manager server. The current Site Manager configuration will be overwritten
Download configurationDownload the latest created archive in the browser. This can be used to provide a backup of Site Manager settings in case of server hardware error

Log Retention

This section allows logs (both backup logs and event logs) to be automatically deleted after a number of days. This will only happen if the Keep Logs Forever option is unselected. 


Remote Management

The Remote Management section controls integration with Macrium MultiSite. If remote access is enabled and the HTTPS port configured in the Security section is exposed to the internet, the Site Manager can be managed by Macrium MultiSite.

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The options in the Remote Management section are as follows:


This section controls the per-user configuration of the Site Manager Dashboard and interface

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Reset dashboard layoutThis option will restore the dashboard to the default layout, removing all widget layout and notification tile customization. This only applies to the currently logged in user
Reset table layoutsThis option will remove any changes to the table layouts on all Site Manager pages. This includes moving, hiding or sorting columns. This only applies to the currently logged in user
Reset all layoutsRemoves all customization for all users and resets Site Manager to default layout settings


This section controls how Site Manager agents and remote agent installation work

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Install Settings - Quiet Agent InstallSetting this option will change the default install options for the remote agent install to install the agent without creating desktop or start menu shortcuts. Quiet install settings will only be updated on an agent when the remote install feature is used or the agent is upgraded through Site Manager
Install Settings - Auto UpdateIf this option is set, the server will automatically update the agents when a new version is available
Maximum Simultaneous UpdatesThis option specifies the number of updates that will be performed simultaneously
Install Credentials

This option allows you to set credentials which will be used to install remote agents. This is useful if the majority of computers you wish to install agents on are on a domain which is not the same one used to log in to the Site Manager server

Server Connection DetailsTo change these fields while agents are connected will cause the server to send the new details to the connected agents. When an agent receives the new details, it will drop the connection and try to reconnect to the server. If the agent is not able to reconnect or if it wasn't connected when the details were changed the details must be manually set on the agent via Agent Config tool or remote install
Server Connection Details - Server IP

Additional IP addresses the Agent should use to communicate with the Site Manager. If not set, the Server NetBIOS name and any additional configured DNS names will be used insteadAny IP addresses here will be tried before DNS name resolution or NetBIOS name resolution is attempted.

Server Connection Details - Server DNSAdditional DNS names the Agent should use to look up the Site Manager server IP address. If not set, the Server NetBIOS name and any additional configured IP addresses will be used instead Any DNS addresses here will be tried before NetBIOS name resolution is attempted.
Server Connection Details - TCP PortThe TCP/IP port used by Site Manager to communicate with Agents. If this is changed, the Site Manager server will update all connected Agents and restart. 
titleAgent Server Connection

When installed via the Remote Install feature, Agents will automatically be configured with the NetBIOS name of the Site Manager server. The Agent will attempt to resolve the NetBIOS to an IP address and connect to the Site Manager server.

Additional IP addresses or DNS names may be configured to allow Agents to connect. The Agent will try all IPs and names to connect to Site Manager until it finds one which works.



This section contains options controlling how the Site Manager server access the internet.

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Proxy Settings

A proxy server may be configured here. Site Manager will use this for all HTTP/HTTPS requests to the internet.

No ProxySite Manager will access the internet directly
Manual Proxy Setup - Proxy AddressThis is the address and type of the proxy server to use. The proxy type is selected from a dropdown (HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS options)
Manual Proxy Setup - Proxy PortPort of the proxy server 
Manual Proxy Setup - Proxy UsernameUsername used to authenticate with the proxy server
Manual Proxy Setup - Proxy PasswordPassword used to authenticate with the proxy server
Get Proxy Settings From Specific UserIf account details for an account on the local domain or computer are entered here, the Site Manager server will attempt to read Internet Explorer proxy information from this user's profile on the Site Manager server.


Rescue Media

This section contains options controlling how Site Manager builds rescue media.

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Working Directory

The Working Directory is the folder on the Site Manager server which is used as temporary space for Rescue Media building and to store the Rescue Media ISO images.

Working Directory
This option can be used to set a working directory for Rescue Media building. This directory must be local to the Site Manager server and is used for temporary space, Windows PE downloads and storage of the final ISO Images.

The path on the server to use for the Rescue Media working directory. This must be a local filesystem running NTFS. 

If this directory is changed, the old directory will be left intact and must be deleted manually. 

This button can be used to test Site Manager can access the working directory and will report any errors.
Tests that the Rescue Media working directory is accessible and writable.

Export Drivers

Site Manager collects drivers needed to build Rescue Media from connected Agents. These drivers may be exported for use in disaster recovery by using the Export all Drivers or Export Selected Drivers options.  This will copy all the drivers to the drivers\export folder in the Rescue Media working directory,

The Group extracted drivers by Agent Rescue Media configuration option places the exported drivers into subfolders based on the relevant Windows PE version for that computer - e.g. all computers which require Rescue Media based on Windows PE 10 64-bit will have their drivers exported to the drivers\export\PE10x64 folder. 

This can be useful when extracting drivers to create custom rescue media.