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This article explains how to verify Macrium Reflect image and backup files using the standalone command line verification tool 'mrverify.exe'.  mrverify.exe supports individual file verification as well as folder and sub-folder file search and verification.

To verify backups using the Macrium Reflect user interface see:  Verifying image and backup files

mrveriy.exe is installed with Macrium Reflect and is located here:

C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\MRVerify.exe
Please note that mrverify.exe must be run from an Administrator command prompt. For instructions on how to do this please see here.

The following command line switches are supported:

mrverify.exe "full path to image file or folder" -p[--password] "password" -r[--recurse] -x[--fix] -l[--logfile] "logfile name"

File name or path with wild card can be used.



-p OR --passwordThe optional password that was used to protect and/or encrypt the backup
-r OR --recurseScan all sub-folders if a folder is specified. The default is not to recurse.
-l OR --logfile Full path to output log file. This file will be created for each run and contains the file name and verification status 'success' or 'fail' .
-s OR --setVerify all files in the set. Use if verifying individual file s to ensure they can be restored. When verifying all files in a folder this isn't necessary. The default is not to verify the entire set.
-h OR --help
This help output
-x OR --fix
Attempt to fix failed blocks if the current live file system contains the original data.


mrverify.exe "d:\backups\1FF33614674A6438-00-00.mrimg" 

mrverify.exe "d:\backups\1FF33614674A6438-00-00.mrimg" --set --password "mypassword" -l "c:\verifylog.txt" 

mrverify.exe "d:\backups\*" --password "mypassword" -r -l "c:\verifylog.txt"

On success mrverify.exe will return '0'. If any file fails verification then the return code will be '1'. 

The following success/failure text will be displayed in the command window and log:

Verify Success  The file contained no errors.
Verify FailureThe file could not be verified successfully. Try the verification process again using the Macrium Reflect user interface. This may give more information on the problem.
Backup set is not complete. At least one file may be missing

At least one backup file required to restore this file cannot be opened and/or located in the same folder.

This message is displayed as a Warning or an Error failure condition if the --set command line switch is used.

Password ErrorThe backup file is password protected and/or encrypted and the supplied password is not correct.
Block 99999 - RepairedThe -x OR --fix switch was used and a data block has been repaired.