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Default Shutdown or Log Off

Sets whether the PC should shutdown or log off at the end of the script. 

This could be used when creating a backup as the last job of the day.

Default Run Once a Day

Whenever the script is triggered, either manually or on schedule, it will only execute the first time for each day.

For example, this could be useful if you want a backup to happen at first login or shutdown.

Default Run Programs and Scripts

Select programs or scripts to run at the start or end of the script. 



File name

Write the path and executable file name that you wish to run at the start of the script.

ParametersInclude optional command line parameters for the program.
File nameWrite the path and executable file name that you wish to run at the end of the script.
ParametersInclude optional command line parameters for the program.

Default Script Elevation

Elevate the script at the beginning of execution. This ensures that all Programs and Script called will already be elevated. 

The return code will always be zero. If you are running scripts from the scheduler then this option is not necessary. The Task Scheduler will elevate the script at startup.

Default Directory Synchronization 

DirectoryEnter the target folder for the copy/archive.
Enable file copyIf enabled the backup will create a copy of the files from the backup to the supplied destination.

Directory Synchronization will embed MS RoboCopy calls to the script

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