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This Knowledgebase article is designed to help troubleshoot errors that might occur after using Macrium Reflect ReDeploy to deploy an operating system to new hardware. For more information about using Macrium Reflect ReDeploy please click on the link below:

Re-deploying Windows to new hardware using Macrium ReDeploy

Please be aware, that some unusual hardware configurations make it impossible for older Windows OS's, such as XP,  to boot. In these rare cases, using ReDeploy will not help

ReDeploy does not  detect any operating systems

Check that

  • The OS has been restored or the disk containing it connected to the target PC.

  • If you are using firmware raid or non-standard mass storage hardware then check that the drivers have been loaded.

Windows never boots  machine appears to cycle continuously

Windows is probably experiencing a BSOD on booting but it is displayed so briefly that your screen can't display it. Rerun Redeploy and set the 'Disable reboot on system stop' option. Reboot and note the BSOD error code.

While booting Windows - Bluescreen message  0x0000007B

This is an indication that Windows hasn't correctly loaded, or associated your hardware with mass storage drivers for the disk containing the OS.

Rerun Redeploy. For each mass storage device, chose locate driver to manually locate the best driver on your driver CD. Consider checking for the availability of newer drivers from your hardware vendor.

It can also be caused by your BIOS configuration ' for example XP will not boot with AHCI SATA mode set.

While booting Windows - Bluescreen message0x00000024

This is an NTFS read error. It is likely that a single disk of a raid 0 or raid 5 set being mounted by the standard IDE driver.

After booting Windows ' Two drives appear containing the OS image

If windows boots correctly and you have RAID 1 (Mirror) configured and you see your windows folder on two drives then Windows has used the standard IDE driver and you are not operating in RAID mode.

After booting Windows - Bluescreen message  0x0000007E

This typically indicates that the configured HAL is incompatible with the hardware.

Rerun Redeploy and either set the HAL to the recommended type or set 'Allow windows to set HAL' if redeploying Vista or later.

After booting Windows becomes unstable or locks up.

The most likely cause of this the configured HAL being incompatible with the hardware. Rerun Redeploy and either set the HAL to the recommended type or set 'Allow windows to set HAL' if redeploying Vista or later.

While booting Windows - Driver not signed error

You will see this if you are using 64 bit Windows Vista or later and you have injected an unsigned driver. Reboot, hitting F8 to get the windows boot options menu. Chose the allow unsigned drivers option and Windows should complete booting. Locate signed drivers from your hardware vendor and either rerun ReDeploy, using the Locate Driver option or use the Update Driver option in the Windows device manager.

Keyboard and mouse never become active

If the keyboard and mouse don't become active try reinserting the their USB connectors or moving them to different USB sockets. If you do have PS/2 devices available, then try those : Note they need to be connected before the system boots to become active. If this does not help, try rebooting (power cycling is probably your only option).

With regard Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 operating systems

The XP/2K3 operating system kernel can take a long time discovering USB components and sometimes never actually discover them.  To force discovery of USB items, perform the following steps:

  • Download the following ZIP file:
  • Boot into WinPE.
  • Copy the files from the ZIP to the following folders:
    • devcon.exe to the root of the operating system volume.
    • usb.bat to the root of the operating system volume.
    • usb.job to the \Windows\Tasks folder for your system volume.
  • Reboot.

The job should run as SYSTEM user and invoke the batch file which in turn invokes devcon.exe.  This should force a rescan of the USB devices in your system.  A log file should be created on the root of your operating system volume of the devcon process.

If that doesn't help, then maybe your system has locked up. Consult the relevant troubleshooting section if this seems to be the case.