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ReflectMonitor is a small utility that provides backup notifications and progress for scheduled backups.

When a scheduled backup starts an icon will appear in the Task  Bar notification area:

If you double click the icon or right-click and select Show the backup progress dialog is shown:


Accessing ReflectMonitor with a Hot Key

Alternatively, the backup progress can be shown at any time by pressing the 'Hotkey' combination Ctr+Alt+M. If a backup isn't currently running then the status of the last backup run in the current Windows session will be shown. 

To enable/disable the Hotkey or change the letter from 'M' 

In the ReflectMonitor dialog select File, then Configure Hotkey...

The hotkey combination can also be changed in the Reflect Defaults and Settings. First, select the Other Tasks menu, then select Edit Defaults and Settings...

In the Reflect Defaults and Settings, select Advanced Settings then select Configure Hot Key. The hotkey can be disabled/enabled and the key combination can be changed.