For an example of a generated VBScript source file please see Example VBScript Source
To generate a VBScript file select the Definition Files tab on the main window then right-click on a file and select Generate a VBScript file.
This opens the VBScript Generation Options dialog:

Property | Value |
Directory | The folder where the source file is saved |
File Name | The name of the VBscript source file. This defaults to the XML file name with a .vbs extension |

Generated code...
' Issue shutdown command
objShell.Run "shutdown -s"
Property | Value |
Enable Shut Down | Select to enable this property |
Shut down | The PC will shut own at the end of the backup |
Log Off | The user will be logged out at the end of the backup |
Run Once a Day

Generated code...
' The following function call ensures that this script only runs once a day
If HasRunToday Then
End If
'* Function: HasRunToday
'* Purpose: determines if this script has run today
'* Input: None
'* Output: true if has run today false otherwise
Function HasRunToday
Dim RegScriptKey
Dim LastRunDate
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegScriptKey = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Macrium\Reflect\Scripts\" & WScript.ScriptFullName & "\LastRun"
'Check if script has run today
LastRunDate = objShell.RegRead(RegScriptKey)
If LastRunDate = cstr(Date) Then
HasRunToday = true
objShell.RegWrite RegScriptKey, Date,"REG_SZ"
HasRunToday = false
End If
Set objShell = nothing
End Function
Property | Value |
Run Once a Day | If selected, will only enable this script to run once per day. This is useful for example if you want a backup to happen at first login or shutdown. |

Generated code...
' Run program before backup
objShell.Run """C:\Users\Public\Admin\Before backup.bat""", 1, true
' Do the backup
ExitCode = Backup ("""C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\reflect.exe"" -e -w <BACKUP_TYPE> ""C:\Users\Dev\Documents\Reflect\example.xml""")
' Run program after backup
objShell.Run """C:\users\public\Admin\After backup.exe""", 1, true
Property | Value |
Run a program or script at the start | Select to enable a program or script to run before the backup starts |
File Name | The path and executable file name |
Parameters | Optional command line parameters for the program |
Run a program or script at the start | Select to enable a program or script to run when the backup ends |
File Name | The path and executable file name |
Parameters | Optional command line parameters for the program |

Generated code...
Sub VBMain()
Dim objShell
Dim ExitCode
' Elevate this script for Admin privileges in Vista
'* Sub: Elevate
'* Purpose: Elevates this script for Vista UAC.
'* This means that only one UAC Elevation prompt is displayed and
'* functions/programs will not fail if they require admin privileges
'* Input: None
'* Output: None
Sub Elevate
Dim ShellApp
Dim objShell
Dim objWshProcessEnv
' Don't elevate if run from Windows Task Scheduler
If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
If WScript.Arguments.Item(0) = "-s" then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWshProcessEnv = objShell.Environment("PROCESS")
If objWshProcessEnv("ELEVATED_APP") <> "True" Then
objWshProcessEnv("ELEVATED_APP") = "True"
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Call ShellApp.ShellExecute("""" & WScript.FullName & """", """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & " " & GetBackupTypeParameter, , "runas")
set ShellApp = nothing
Set objWshProcessEnv = nothing
End If
Set objWshProcessEnv = nothing
Set objShell = nothing
End Sub
Property | Value |
Enable Elevation | If selected will enable UAC elevation for the entire script. This enables functions and programs to run outside the context of Macrium Reflect without requesting further elevation. |
Directory Synchronization

Generated code...
SynchroniseDirectories ExitCode, "C:\C++"
'* Function: RobocopyExists
'* Purpose: determines whether the program Robocopy can be called from the
'* command line.
'* Input: None
'* Output: boolean - true if Robocopy exists
Function RobocopyExists()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objShell
Dim objExec
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExec = objShell.Exec ("robocopy.exe", 0)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
RobocopyExists = True
RobocopyExists = False
End If
End Function
'* Function: SynchroniseDirectories
'* Purpose: Copies all files created by the previous backup / image
'* to a supplied directory. Uses Macrium environment variables to
'* determine which files to copy.
'* Input: ExitCode - The exit code of the last backup
'* strBackupDirectory - Directory to copy to
Function SynchroniseDirectories(Byval ExitCode, Byval strSyncDirectory)
Dim objShell
Dim objWshProcessEnv
Dim strEnvPrefix
Dim strBackupDirectory
Dim strCmdLine
Dim iReturnCode
Dim fs
Dim objSyncFiles
Dim objBackupDirectory
Dim objSyncDirectory
Dim objBackupFile
Dim objSyncFile
Dim strExtension
Dim dateBackupFile
Dim dateSyncFile
' Only copy files if backup was successful
if ExitCode <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWshProcessEnv = objShell.Environment("VOLATILE")
' Get the prefix for the last backup set
strEnvPrefix = objWshProcessEnv("MACRIUM_PREFIX")
' Get the directory where we just created a backup
strBackupDirectory = objWshProcessEnv(strEnvPrefix + "_DIRECTORY")
If right(strBackupDirectory, 1) = "\" Then strBackupDirectory = left(strBackupDirectory, len(strBackupDirectory)-1)
If right(strSyncDirectory, 1) = "\" Then strSyncDirectory = left(strSyncDirectory, len(strSyncDirectory)-1)
If RobocopyExists Then
strCmdLine = "robocopy ""<SOURCE>"" ""<DESTINATION>"" *.mr* /copy:DAT /lev:0 /purge /r:0"
' Robocopy does not exist - using xcopy
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set objBackupDirectory = fs.GetFolder(strBackupDirectory)
Set objSyncDirectory = fs.GetFolder(strSyncDirectory)
For Each objSyncFile in objSyncDirectory.Files
strExtension = fs.GetExtensionName(objSyncFile)
dateSyncFile = objSyncFile.DateLastModified
If Left(strExtension,2) = "mr" Then
' Check if file has been deleted
If Not(fs.FileExists(strBackupDirectory+"\" Then
' Check if file has been modified
Set objBackupFile = fs.GetFile(strBackupDirectory+"\"
dateBackupFile = objBackupFile.DateLastModified
If DateDiff("m", dateBackupFile, dateSyncFile) <> 0 Then
End If
End If
End If
strCmdLine = "xcopy ""<SOURCE>\*.mr*"" ""<DESTINATION>"" /c /d /h /i /v /y"
End If
strCmdLine = Replace(strCmdLine,"<SOURCE>", strBackupDirectory)
strCmdLine = Replace(strCmdLine,"<DESTINATION>", strSyncDirectory)
iReturnCode = objShell.Run(strCmdLine,0,true)
if iReturnCode <> 0 then
' Handle synchronisation error
' Everything OK
end if
' Clean up
Set objShell = nothing
Set objWshProcessEnv = nothing
End Function
Property | Value |
Enable directory synchronization | If enabled will use the MS utility RoboCopy to synchronize the backup target directory with the supplied directory. |
Directory | Enter the folder that you want to copy/archive your backup files to |
Click 'OK' to generate the VBScript source file