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Windows contains a Network Credentials cache that enables network authentication details (User name and password) to be saved and re-used to logon automatically. However, scheduled tasks are run in Windows 'batch mode' and do not have access to saved credentials. Because of this you must enter network login details in the Macrium Reflect defaults to enable scheduled tasks to access and write to password protected network shares.

AddAdd network logon details for a new network location

Edit an existing location.

Note: The 'Default' location logon details will be used for all shares that aren't explicitly added. 
DeleteRemove logon credentials


Add / Edit

\\Server\shareEnter the UNC path to the root of the network share. Do not enter any sub-folders in the path
UsernameEnter the authenticated user that has access to the share
PasswordEnter the users password.


You can also select 'Default' and click 'Edit' to provide default credentials to be used for all network shares:



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