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Example PowerShell source file generated by Macrium Reflect

See also: Generating a PowerShell source file

#* Module Name: Example.ps1
#* Abstract:    This is a template PowerShell Script file generated by Reflect.
#*              Modify to add your own functionality if required.
#* Returns:     0 - Success.
#*              1 - Error: Invalid XML.
#*              2 - Error: Backup failed.
#*              3 - Error: Not elevated (script will try to execute elevated).
Param([switch]$s, [switch]$full, [switch]$inc, [switch]$diff)
$strReflectPath = "C:\C++\v6\Image\reflect\x64\Debug\reflect.exe";
$strXmlFilePath = "C:\Example.xml";
$strScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
#* Func: OnXmlValidationError
#* Desc: Called when a backup fails due to an XML validation error.
#*       This is here to be modified for your own uses.
function OnXmlValidationError()
  Write-Warning " ! XML invalid ($strXmlFilePath).";
  # Handle invalid XML error...
#* Func: OnBackupError
#* Desc: Called when a backup fails.
#*       This is here to be modified for your own uses.
function OnBackupError()
  Write-Warning " ! Backup failed ($strXmlFilePath).";
  # Handle backup error...
#* Func: OnBackupSuccess
#* Desc: Called when a backup succeeds.
#*       This is here to be modified for your own uses.
function OnBackupSuccess()
  Write-Host " * Backup succeeded ($strXmlFilePath).";
  # Handle backup success...
#* Func: Main
#* Desc: This is main function to start execution.
function Main()
  Write-Host 'PowerShell script for Macrium Reflect Backup Definition File';
  Write-Host "BDF: $strXmlFilePath";
  $iExitCode = Backup;
  Write-Host "Script finished with exit code $iExitCode.";
  Exit $iExitCode;
#* Func: Elevate
#* Desc: Elevates this script for UAC.
#*       This means that only one UAC Elevation prompt is displayed and
#*       functions/programs will not fail if they require admin privileges.
function Elevate()
  # Only elevate if not ran from the task scheduler.
  Write-Host ' * Checking elevated access rights... ' -NoNewLine;
  if (-Not $s)
    # Check to see if we are currently running "as Administrator"
    if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]"Administrator"))
      $ElevatedProcess = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
      # Specify the current script path and name as a parameter
      $strType = GetBackupTypeParameter;
      $ElevatedProcess.Arguments = "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass & '" + $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "' $strType";
      # Indicate that the process should be elevated
      $ElevatedProcess.Verb = "runas";
      # Start the new process
      # Exit this unelevated script with exit code for "Error: Not elevated"
      Exit 3;
  Write-Host 'Done.';
#* Func: Backup
#* Desc: Calls Reflect.exe passing an XML BDF as a parameter.
function Backup()
  Write-Host ' * Running the backup... ' -NoNewLine;
  $strType = GetBackupTypeParameter;
  $strArgs = "-e -w $strType `"$strXmlFilePath`"";
  $iResult = (Start-Process -FilePath $strReflectPath -ArgumentList $strArgs -PassThru -Wait).ExitCode;
  Write-Host 'Done.';
  switch ($iResult)
    2 { OnXmlValidationError; break; }
    1 { OnBackupError;        break; }
    0 { OnBackupSuccess;      break; }
  return $iResult;
#* Func: GetBackupTypeParameter
#* Desc: Determines the backup type from command line parameter...
#*        "-full": Full backup
#*        "-inc" : Incremental backup
#*        "-diff": Differential backup
function GetBackupTypeParameter()
  if ($full -eq $true) { return '-full'; };
  if ($inc  -eq $true) { return '-inc';  };
  if ($diff -eq $true) { return '-diff'; };
  return ''; # Clone
# Execute the Main function
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